

13 Health Benefits of Peppermint


Peppermint provides numerous health benefits

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Definition and Symptoms


CFS affects more than one million people in the US

Information on How to Diagnose Adrenal Dysfunction


diagnosing adrenal insufficiency can be difficult

5 Crucial Issues Many Fibromyalgia Patients Face


Fibromyalgia can be a hidden disease.

Can Thyroid Disease Cause Chronic Pain?


Sadly, many suffer from chronic pain without knowing why.

Everything You Need To Know About Hypothyroidism


Thyroid disease affects about 27 million adults in the USA.

18 Foods that Help Boost Your Immune System


Diet can greatly impact immune function

Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism: Types of Thyroid Diseases


While addressing a thyroid dysfunction, it's essential to consider the interconnected web of other imbalances, toxicities, and nutritional deficiencies that are always at play. Your thyroid gland is like the body's energy factory. Every cell in the body requires thyroid hormones. When it's operating effectively, you feel energetic, healthy, and in control. But it takes […]

Fact: Lyme Disease is on The West Coast


There are so many stories and "old wives' tales" out there that it's hard to decipher which are true and which aren't. This is the case with some diseases, as well. One condition that seems to have countless myths and misconceptions attached to it is Lyme disease. These falsehoods range from where the disease is […]

Take a Bite Out of Lyme Disease


The "Take a Bite Out of Lyme Disease" challenge began last month with the goal of raising awareness for this debilitating illness. The challenge is simple (and sour). You are asked to take a photo or video of yourself biting a lime and share a fact about the disease. Don't forget to use the hash […]

Five Ways the New ATA Hypothyroidism Guidelines are Bad for Thyroid Patients


There are so many things wrong with these Guidelines that we could write volumes, but let's cut to the chase. Here are five ways the new ATA hypothyroidism guidelines hurt thyroid patients. 1. The ATA's Conflict of Interest Makes the Guidelines Findings Questionable at Best While the ATA goes out of its way to assert […]

5 Crucial Issues Many Fibromyalgia Patients Face


As part of the awareness effort, it's important to know the various criteria, including assessment of pain levels. But the changing way the pain of fibromyalgia is assessed diagnosis is just a part of the challenges that frustrate fibromyalgia sufferers. There are actually five crucial issues that frustrate many fibromyalgia patients. 1. The Myth That […]

Fibromyalgia Pain - What is the Criteria?


Now, according to the ACR, a patient satisfies the diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia if the following three conditions are met: The Widespread Pain Index The Widespread Pain Index (WPI) rating looks at the areas where you've had pain over the last week. The score will be 0 to 19. Here are the 19 areas evaluated: […]

Vitamin D Supplements for Fibromyalgia Pain


The randomized, controlled trial focused on getting the patients to a level between 32 and 48ng/ml for 20 weeks via oral supplements. The levels were reassessed at 5, 13 weeks, 25 weeks, and 24 weeks after supplementation was discontinued. The researchers found that even after supplementation was stopped, the patients experienced a significant reduction in […]

Is it Chronic Fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?


"Chronic fatigue" is a symptom, referring to continuing significant fatigue that lasts for months. It can be the result of a variety of ongoing or chronic conditions and illnesses (for example hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis, anemia), nutritional deficiencies, sleep disorders like apnea, chronic pain, depression, and other health issues. Ongoing fatigue lasting at least six months […]

Fibromyalgia - A Mystery Medical Condition?


Brief periods of mental or physical exertion left them exhausted. And while their pains might migrate from one area of the body to another at any given time, there were 11 points on the body that were always more tender than other areas. This illness has been studied since the 1800's, and identified by a […]

A Journey with Fibromyalgia - A Holtorf Medical Group Success Story


If you had asked me ten years ago whether I thought I would still be alive today, I would have responded with "absolutely not." That's how surely I was convinced that I was slowly dying — emotionally, socially, intellectually, spiritually, and physically. The most frightening thing about it was that I perceived I was powerless […]

Our Immune System - The Army Inside


What is the Immune System Made Of? The immune system is composed of a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together like a well-trained army. Its major components include the lymph nodes, the spleen, bone marrow, the thymus, lymphocytes and leukocytes. The lymph nodes are the most commonly recognized part of the immune […]

Is Lyme Disease the Next AIDS?


This new number was derived from a survey of seven national laboratories, a national patient survey, and a review of insurance information. It is the CDC's most comprehensive attempt at a better estimate. But the numbers are estimated to be much higher when you include the vast number of patients who are told they don't […]

Lyme Disease, "The Great Imitator"


Contrary to popular belief, Lyme disease is not limited to the northeastern United States, but is seen in every state across the country. It is often called "the great imitator" because Lyme can mimic virtually any disease, including multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou […]

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